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What is the relationship between Lynk and Jam-Dex?


Lynk is the first and only digital wallet inJamaica to integrate Jam-Dex into its platform. Lynk will function as a multi-currency wallet to conduct transactions in both Jamaican dollars andJam-Dex. Once a user has Jam-Dex dollars in the wallet, they will be able to spend it at any of our Lynk verified businesses or any other business that accepts Jam-Dex transactions.

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How does CBDC work?


CBDC is stored in a CBDC digital wallet, similar to how you have JMD in your regular Lynk wallet. Like with cash in your wallet, you don’t earn interest on the balance in your CBDC wallet. CBDC will be able to be exchanged 1-for-1 with JMD in your Lynk account.

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What is Jam-Dex?


Jam-Dex is Jamaica’s very own digital currency, issued and regulated by the Bank of Jamaica. It will be launched on April 1st, 2022.

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How do I cash out from my Lynk Lite account?

Cash in and out

Ready to cash out? You can cash out at NCB ABMs island wide. Click HERE to learn how.

Your Cash out limit is $40,000 daily! Level up your account for more spending power and even more ways to cash out!

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How do I pay for things with Lynk?

Making a Purchase

Our current options include:
1. Scanning the merchant’s QR Code if it is on display and send the funds to them. You can also scan their code from their Lynk app. OR
2. You can have the merchant send you a payment request if they do not have a QR code visible at their business. OR
3. Selecting the “Transfer” button on the home screen and search for the user. You can do so by either searching for their name, username, or phone number.

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How do I pay with a QR Code?

Making a Purchase

At the bottom right side of the Lynk home screen, you will see a "Pay with QR" button. Go ahead and tap that button. Point your phone at a Lynk QR code of any user or merchant and we'll do the rest.
Each QR code is unique, so as soon as it's scanned, you'll see the transfer screen with the user whose QR code you scanned, selected as the recipient. At this point, all that is missing is to enter the amount and swipe up to confirm.

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What if I don't have enough money to pay for something?

Making a Purchase

Do you not have enough money in your Lynk account? No worries. You can connect your bank account to your Lynk account and top up instantaneously.
If you do not have a bank account, you could reach out to a friend or family (who also has Lynk) and ask for some money to help make your purchase. We are always looking into easier and more accessible ways for you to add money to your Lynk account.
Soon you'll also be able to deposit money at selected ABMs and through your debit and credit cards.

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How do I change my PIN?

Account Management

Once you are signed in you can change your PIN in the User Profile section:
1) Just click on “Profile” on the lower navigation bar and look for the "Security" section.
2) Select "Update PIN" to change your PIN and follow the instructions on the screen.
Don't choose a PIN that will be easy for others to figure out. Avoid predictable PINs like your birthday or a part of your phone number, and remember you can't use a PIN that's a sequence (like 123456) or has 3 repeating digits (like 111234, or 000000).

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What if I have forgotten my PIN?

Privacy & Security

No worries, we all forget things sometimes. Simply:
1) Head to the home screen page on the app.
2) Click on the "Forgot your PIN" button that is above the “Sign In” button.
3) You'll have to confirm your identity and you'll be able to reset your PIN.

If your phone has a fingerprint or face scanning feature, you can activate them on your Security settings so you don't need to remember your PIN.

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What can I do if I notice an error in my transaction

Sending & Receiving Money

You can report the problem on your transaction history or reach out to Lynk customer support for assistance at

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How do I tell if I've received money?

Sending & Receiving Money

Easy! If someone sent you money, you immediately get a notification. You won’t need to ask for proof of payment, screenshots or anything else anyone.

That's right, we do all the heavy lifting! You can track every transaction you've made in Lynk in your activity history.

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How do I send money?

Sending & Receiving Money

We've made sending money easy:
1) Select a recipient from your contact list, scan a Lynk user's QR code, or search for the Lynk user you want to send money to,
2) Type in the amount, and swipe up to send!

You can search for Lynk users by their phone number, name or their @username.

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What's my weekly transaction limit?

Sending & Receiving Money

Your transaction limit is linked to your Tier. Learn more about Lynk Account Tiers here:

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Can I send money to someone without a Lynk Account?

Sending & Receiving Money

Yes, you can send money to anyone with a local bank account.

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How do I request money?

Sending & Receiving Money

We've made it as easy as:
1) Tapping "Transfer" on the home screen
2) Tapping "Ask" at the top of the transaction screen
3) Searching for, or selecting a contact
4) Typing in the amount you'd like to request and swiping up to send.

If this is your first transfer we'll ask for permission to sync your contact list with the app so that we can show all of your friends in the app for easy interaction and to invite those who have not yet joined.

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